sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

what are obstacles?

What are obstacles?
In my opinion obstacles are what make us stronger. There are all kind of obstacles in live but they are necessary to make us mature. Obstacles are the only way to proof ourselves that we have the capacity to make it. For overcome the obstacles we need something more than wishes, we need something stronger and there is where character enters.
To overcome obstacles we need character because that demonstrate how much you want to overcome the obstacle and if you have character you will be perseverance, patient, and dedicated. If you don’t have character with the obstacles that means that you don’t interest so much or that is not a priority for you, in that case you are not self involved enough to overcome the obstacle.
In summary obstacles separate lazy people from persons with character and is a fact that you need character to succeed in life. Character represents the courage that you need to overcome obstacles. But I think that obstacles also give us the choice to fail or to learn to have character and become a succeed persons. Obstacles era proves and if we overcome them we will learn how much it cost to become succeed and we will appreciate it better.

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